Seemingly unsatisfied by his expensive and ridiculous plebiscite on same-sex marriage, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (who is still Prime Minister at the time of writing this article but God we could be proven wrong very quickly) has announced another $120million vote on something everyone already knows the answer to: the viability of his leadership.
It appears Malcolm has a staggering hard-on for logistically-confusing, over-the-top votes on issues that are pretty clear already.
Much in the same way most of Australia could have guessed same-sex marriage would enjoy majority support, the bulk of the country is pretty on top of the fact Malcolm will not be able to command the confidence of his own party, or Parliament, and will subsequently lose his position.
However, brave Malcolm refuses to be deterred. Reportedly, he thought the plebiscite was ‘a bit too convenient, if we’re being honest,’ and wants to encourage LNP party room members to vote on his leadership by using the whistle Katniss does in The Hunger Games at exactly 11.30pm if they wish for his leadership continue.
Somehow, that will cost the nation hundreds of millions.
What the fuck, Canberra?